Parent's Page
As parents, we wonder and sometimes worry about how our children are doing.
What you know about your child’s health, development and behavior can provide critical information about how well your child is doing. What you can tell physicians, teachers and other professionals about your child helps create an accurate picture of your child’s functioning and needs.
Answering the following questions may help you determine whether to seek help or assessment for your child.
Start by asking yourself:
What questions or concerns do I have about my child's health, development or behavior?
How concerned am I? See the POSSIBLE PROBLEMS page.
If you are concerned about your child’s health, vision or hearing, development or behavior, talk to your child’s doctor.
If you are concerned about your child’s development or behavior, also contact your school system’s early intervention team and ask for a screening or detailed assessment.
In any case, be sure that you are heard and that your concerns are taken seriously.
Remember, you are your child’s best advocate.
Harold Ireton, Ph.D.
Parents' Development - fun, informative, free articles for parents.