Child Development Review - Parent Questionnaire

Additional Info
The CDR-PQ was developed from years of research and practical experience with all the Child Development Inventories. It is brief, yet comprehensive, providing information about the child's health, development and adjustment, as well as inquiring about the parent's functioning.
The parents complete the front side, which includes six open-ended questions and a Possible Problems checklist. The back side of the CDR contains a Child Development Chart for the first five years. The chart addresses five developmental areas: social, self help, gross motor skills, fine motor skills and language. The professional may use this chart in two ways: first, as an observation guide, and second, as a parent interview guide.
The results are compared to age norms, and classified as "typical" for age in all areas, or as "borderline" or "delayed" in one or more areas of development.
Manual Required
English and Spanish